A Truth about Fire


The world was almost destroyed by the Years-Long Fire. Firemen battled against fire and the fire’s monks. Burns remain as smoldering, blackened scars upon a once-green earth. The world tries to retain "normalcy" in the After Burn with its underlying mentality: "business as usual"… even as ash falls from the sky. But is the strained attempt of "normalcy" at the expense of understanding a clandestine reality?

(Story contains 2,539 words)

The Profits will be donated to the build of the Holy Protection Shrine

Fight for the Unborn (Add to Cart)

The world was almost destroyed by the Years-Long Fire. Firemen battled against fire and the fire’s monks. Burns remain as smoldering, blackened scars upon a once-green earth. The world tries to retain "normalcy" in the After Burn with its underlying mentality: "business as usual"… even as ash falls from the sky. But is the strained attempt of "normalcy" at the expense of understanding a clandestine reality?

(Story contains 2,539 words)

The Profits will be donated to the build of the Holy Protection Shrine

The world was almost destroyed by the Years-Long Fire. Firemen battled against fire and the fire’s monks. Burns remain as smoldering, blackened scars upon a once-green earth. The world tries to retain "normalcy" in the After Burn with its underlying mentality: "business as usual"… even as ash falls from the sky. But is the strained attempt of "normalcy" at the expense of understanding a clandestine reality?

(Story contains 2,539 words)

The Profits will be donated to the build of the Holy Protection Shrine

The Spiritual Director
A Hominoid's Friend
The Boughman