Man-made is Spirit-made - but which spirit? (audio option)

Man-Made is Spirit-made – but Which Spirit?


The term “man-made” is used as a knock to the thing that is “man-made.”

But should “human invention” always be downgraded as something that is

not worth our time, our attention, or taking seriously?

Should “man-made” rules never be obeyed?

Are varying religions and spiritualities false because they have the influence of

man-made language,

man-made understanding,

man-made rituals and holy days that are based upon

man-made interpretations of experienced realities?

jody bergsma

Is not man, God-made?

Is not man, made in the image of God?

Is not the spirit within man, sacred?

Is not man a temple for the Holy Spirit?

So from where does this scoffing of “man-made” come?

unknown artist


There seems to be two main ways we view “mankind” –

1.        As individuals: each a sacred being with a uniquely endowed spirit.


2.       As a whole: an unholy beast that manipulates by ego and is led like mindless sheep.

Typically, when the term “man-made” is tossed around, it is being used in the latter way:

that man-made means unholy, ego-driven, misguided at best, mindless at worst.

In a sense, it is fair to refer to mankind in the second way: because we are all in a fallen nature, and we usually want to stay that way: selfish, individualistic, and focused on our own understandings. Man-made things, in its fallen state, now means there will be misunderstandings, and there will be a struggle to learn truth. There will be ego challenging ego. There will be simpletons led by monsters.

unknown artist

But in another sense, it is fair to refer to mankind in the first way:

because we have the capacity to seek our Original nature, which requires self-denial and peer-critique and sacrifice.

Man-made things, in our efforts toward Original Nature,

means there will be enlightenment, there will be revelations and inspired learning.

There will be genuine hearts asking questions,

and wise leaders appropriately guiding.

seb mckinnon

Just like many general terms, the term “man-made” is a lazy way to dismiss a religion, an institution, an idea.

Man is complex.

Man was Originally perfect,

and man is now Fallen.

…and we have both strands of DNA twisting about our soul.

alphonse mucha

Some men see the Fall and aim for the Perfection.

Others see the Fall as the perfection.

Man is guided by the resolute Holy Spirit,

and man is misguided by sneaking unholy spirits.


Man-made is spirit-made,

but which spirit?

is the question.

belinda morris


Intentionality on the Internet


Free Will, the Gateway (audio option)