A Simple Saint

by Melissa Kummerow

Old Lady with a Rosary George Fiddes Watt (1873–1960)

We need the simple saint these days.

The saint who prays at dawn,

pours a cup of coffee,

maybe reads the morning paper -

maybe some poetry here and there.

The saint who prays in their car.

Maybe running a little late, they were patient behind another.

Who seeks to serve their coworkers – especially when it’s

‘not their division’ or

 ‘far below their pay grade.’

The saint who shovels snow for their neighbor,

lends skill or tool to friend.

Who cares for their garden and home,

writes to their friends and their family,

who makes chocolate chip cookies for Mr. and Mrs. Doe.

The saint that shows up to Mass each week,

who makes their periodic confession.

Who prays again before their bedtime.

And starts it all over again.


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