2022 Writing Plans!


I will be turning 30 this year, January 4th to be exact, and it is high time for Ever-bound to be on its way for publishing. Ever-bound began in my high school days. My friend and I were in a self-made class, “Independent Writing,” which consisted of just the two of us in the back of an English classroom working on our stories. Bless you, Mrs. Radtke, for making that happen! So yeah, it’s been a while.

Overall I am thankful that I have not rushed the story, simply due to the fact that I have had a lot of important and key life experiences that will enrich the story. I had my first dog-sledding experience at 18, was intimately acquainted with heartbreak and healing, began my conversion to Catholicism, had my first deer kill this year, and more. Now of course, I can’t use this frame of mind for forever otherwise I will never finish the series.

But I think now is a good a time for me to say,

“Let’s get to the publishing part of all this.”

Where am I at right now with Ever-bound?

Working on Kossio’s 2nd Draft.

While I was hoping to be done with it by Jan 1, 2022 - I am pushing the due date to the end of January. Or sometime within January. And it will happen.

“This is it Mr. Frodo… if I edit one more word, it will be further than I’ve ever been with Ever-bound.”

Next up after Kossio will be the letters. Thankfully - thankfully! - the letters for the other Point of View characters are much shorter than Naome, Bethl, and Kossio’s chapters. Granted there will be a TON of re-writing (I need to change Eren and Kabekka’s settings)… but the extra work will only enhance the story.


As far as other writing… yes, I would like to make it a goal to write at least 4 new short stories this year.

I had never put much stock into short stories as a teen and early 20s. For some reason they always seemed like “lesser writing.” That is, until I realized after writing a couple short stories that I actually almost prefer writing them, because of how self-contained they are. I love being able to come up with an entire world and then drop myself and the reader into just one little corner and moment in said world. And that’s all I need to do with it. I can move onto new worlds and new characters after that. * slaps hands together *

And not only that… I love how short stories are able to share some sort of moral, or allegory, without being preachy. Fairytales, for example, are snippets and images that imprint upon my mind, and with it some sort of lesson that I can carry in my pocket for the rest of my life.

Short stories are powerful.

So I’d like to write up a few more this year.

That about covers it for now.

As always, I’ll be putting up ambient write-ins which will show up on my Homepage (and Youtube - link in top right and footer of this page, just find the Youtube logo).

I’d be delighted if you wandered over there and got some writing done with yours truly!

Take care of yourself this 2022,

and for goodness sake…

let’s take care of our writing!


Meet Eren! (And other writing goals)


Character Moodboards