saith a demon

by Melissa Kummerow

Saith a Demon to the Woman Considering Abortion

“The only death will be your own,

 if you do not follow-through:

the death of your dreams,

death of your aspirations,

death of your health and

death of your cultivated figure, or desire thereof,

and death of any financial plan

-         really, it’s the death of your very self!

And who do you really think you are, anyway?

To bring into the world a soul?

You’re not as brave,

nor sure,

nor smart

as you thought you were up to this moment.

You’re not what is needed to raise a little babe, anyway.

Don’t you know the costs?

Even if you sacrifice your subscriptions every month,

sacrifice your fancy brews…

sacrifice this,

sacrifice that,



I assure, it will never be enough.

It’s death to life itself,

to proceed with this life.

Can’t you see this by now?

Doctor visits,


all the baby food – and that’s just the first few years…

Soon it will be every new toy,

then the band trip and soccer fees,

and aren’t you going to send them to college?

What if you want to go back for your education?

Don’t you owe yourself more chances in life?

Think of all the opportunities you’ll have to forego,

your job and new jobs have nothing for moms.

Even some friends will away.

Give me a break,

it’s spit up and piss,

not white picket fences…

this baby is not your hallmark desire.

How prideful can you be,

thinking you can raise someone else -

you can’t even take care of yourself.”


If I Go


a Catholic Feminism