Earth: our Eden Temple Womb

Earth is Womb

fertilized by God.

He held Clay in His gentle and capable hands

and imbued it

with the Fire

of His own Being.

He made Children: Us.

Children of God.

Here we wander,

preborn little gods,

struggling to survive, to thrive,

to trust in the care of our Father-Healer,

nurtured by our Womb-Temple

whom we have graffiti-ed,



And we poison our temples when we’ve poisoned our souls.

A spiral of desecration.

Our deaths…

these are miscarriages…

What we have done to our Womb

to have caused so many miscarriages?

We tried to nurture ourselves -

tried to rip ourselves from the womb that

God knitted and grew expertly for our growth.

We tried to know what was beyond -

beyond our maturation was ready to know.

We wished to abort our mission in the Womb.

We tried to grow up too fast.

Only the few

children of God have been born;

never knowing the pang of death.

When even God has known the miscarriage

from this poisoned womb.

But there is good news for the rest of us fetal gods -

Christ has made clear that Resurrection

- Resuscitation -

is on the other side.

Not the eternal misery of a miscarried soul,

- unless we so choose “do not resuscitate” -

but life outside the womb


We were never created to die -

because God does not die;

and we are imago dei.

God intended us to grow and learn

on this Earth our

Eden Temple Womb

then born


into the next “world”

- the world outside the Womb -

with our fuller-bodied

deified existence

where we will continue to grow, discover, enjoy

our Father and our deified Family

forever on.

Glory to Jesus Christ.


Fire-giver (Poem)